General Practitioners and Psychiatrists may now refer patients to Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital by completing the form below and submitting it to our intake triage team. The team will contact the patient and locate a psychiatrist for inpatient admission.
Alternatively you can refer via a referral letter and send to our admissions team who will work with the referrer to determine the best psychiatrist for your patient.
 Fax your referral to 03 9749 0972 or email us at:
For all enquiries please call: (03) 9731 6646

Referral Form ​

    To confirm your Request Please Check the Box to let us know you are Human

    What is 8 + 7 ?

    Payment Plans

    At Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital, our objective is to provide access to essential mental health treatment.
    To support you in your recovery program we have a number of payment options to access our mental health services
    Payment options:

    Payment Plans

    At Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital, our objective is to provide access to essential mental health treatment.
    To support you in your recovery program we have a number of payment options to access our mental health services
    Payment options: