Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As we are all aware right now, coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a significant impact across Australia and the world.

We want to reassure you that we have a proactive and practical approach to addressing concerns about this issue.

Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital is working closely with the State Government’s Department of Health to help protect and keep safe our patients, visitors, staff and doctors from COVID-19.

Our hospital remains open and fully functional, with the appropriate safeguards and containment precautions now in place.

VISITORS – for the safety of our patients, please do not Visit the hospital if you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, or have been overseas in the last 14 days.

If you have any further specific questions in relation to COVID-19, visit the  State Government’s Department of Health webpage here.

 Below we answer some proactive steps that the Hospital has implemented to keep out community safe

  • Patient Screening and Entry Requirements
    • All patient who are scheduled to visit the hospital are screened for COVID-19 risk and past exposure.
    • Upon entry to the hospital, all visitors and patients are screened for COVID-19 risk and past exposure.
    • Hand wash facilities are located at all entry points and all visitors are required to practice hand Hygiene
  • Inpatient Visiting Hours
    • From Friday 20 March 2020, the Hospital have made the difficult decision to restrict all Visiting Hours to the Hospital. No visitors will be allowed entry.
    • All forms of Patient leave, (escorted and unescorted) will be cancelled, except in extenuating circumstances.
  • Day Surgery
    • We ask that all patients scheduled for Surgery, only attend with one support person / family member / Carer, at an effort to reduce traffic and movement within the Hospital.   

These are a short snapshot of some of the management strategies employed by the hospital, and may change without notice.

We understand that the adjustments will have a large impact on the patients in our care and their Carers. While difficult, we ask for your support and compliance through the coming weeks.

Kind regards, The Wyndham Clinic Management & Leadership Team.