Your Stay

Surgery Your Stay - Wyndham Clinic


All patients must complete an admission form prior to surgery, which contains the important preadmission health questionnaire. This document becomes the basis for your medical record.

To register you can choose one of two methods:

  1. Complete the paperwork you receive from your doctor’s office, or
  2. PREADMIT  – Register online – (Prefered method)

Ask your doctor’s office about the best way for you to register.

Please make sure that we have this information at least 5 days before you are due to arrive at hospital.

The information that you give us will be reviewed by an experienced registered nurse. We will make contact with you prior to your surgery date to ask you some additional questions.


This is your 1st point of contact. Our receptionist will confirm the necessary forms and consents have been completed prior to being admitted. Should you have any out of pocket expenses you will be required to pay these prior to being admitted. You will also be asked who will be escorting you home and caring for you for 24 hours after your anaesthetic.

Reception - Wyndham Clinic


The admission nurse will contact you the day before to ensure we have all your necessary medical information prior to admission. On the day of your surgery the admission nurse will take you through to the change room where you will get changed into a theatre gown. She will also go through your medical history again, check your blood pressure and weight. You will then be taken through to the admission waiting area where you will speak to your surgeon and anaesthetist before your procedure will begin.

Prior to your scheduled procedure, you will be required to fast from all food and drink for between 6 to 8 hours prior to your admission time. Our clinical team will confirm the minimum fasting time at the time of your pre admission call.

Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital has a firm policy in relation to maximum patient BMI score. Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital is unable to provide surgical service to all patient with a BMI index score of greater than 45. In the event you believe you may exceeds this BMI index score, please discuss arrangements with our nursing team at the time of your pre admission call.


This is where your procedure will take place.

Wyndham Theatre


This is where you will wake up after your procedure. When you enter recovery a nurse will be with you to monitor your progress. Once you are feeling well enough and your nurse is happy with your progress you will be moved into one of the recliner chairs. Here you will be given something to eat and drink. If you have special dietary needs let the nurse know so your needs can be met. After you had something to eat and drink and you are feeling well enough the nurse will call your carer to come and pick you up. At this point the nurse will give you your discharge instructions that will explain what you can and can’t do, and any post-operative appointment.

Wyndham Clinic Recovery Room - Wyndham Clinic